Friday, September 24, 2010

Bus Musings

 Today was a day much like the last and yet it was unusually different. School is coming to an end and I had a talk with a fellow classmate about how quick the year went by. I agreed. It did seem to go by rather quickly. But for some reason, as I sat in my seat on my 1 and a half hour bus ride, I felt as if that moment, that scene, that one breath, would last forever. Time slowed, and it seemed as if my moment would last an eternity. What did this mean? Is it just some odd event that has no meaning, or is it something different? Something bigger? Something more of the soul than of the minds comprehension? Is it that time is slowing down for me to finally take that glance around my life and smell the proverbial roses, or is time really slipping away from me, out of my fingers, and it was my subconscious trying to tell me? Or am I just making more out of a simple situation?
If time is really slipping away from me as I do predict, how do I stop it? Is there a way to pull it back to me? Is there a time machine that I can use to get my time back? What do I really want back? The happy moments of frolicking with my friends during a time when things were not as complicated? Or do I want back the moments of my life that I messed up and wish to redo? But if I redo these moments, how will I learn to be who I am today, if there are no mistakes for me to learn from? Why am I even thinking about all this shit?
Why do I look at the pedestrian on the street and wonder what their life is like? I tend to look at the lonesome old woman slowly making her way down the bus steps to the street filled with yelling youth and wonder…what does her life consist of? Is she happy? Does she have people who lover her? Who has forgotten her? That leads me to wonder who has forgotten me? Who have I forgotten?
Life just brings a lot of questions to mind, questions that I will never have answered. Oh well.

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